Saturday, February 16, 2019

My God is an Awesome God

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I rarely call Him God, because in my mind for some reason that name denotes a distant, far away, almost fearful all-powerful being.  He is all-powerful, but I know He's not distant.

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I call him Father, or Heavenly Father, which I feel gives Him a little more distinction from an earthly dad.  Fathers here make mistakes and can let you down, no matter how well-meaning and loving. I think it's important to know that we can fully depend on Him to be perfect, consistent, to have perfectly altruistic motives and perfect knowledge and love.

That sounds abstract, but my Father is not abstract.  He's very real and very present.

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He's right there in the penetrating sun, light breeze, salty air and hypnotic roll of the ocean waves on a perfect day.  

Image result for enlightenmentHe's the burst of understanding that comes after hours of contemplation:  Aha!

It delights Him when I finally get the truth concept I’ve been learning.

He's there in the warning, in the regret, the making things right, the determination to be better. I'm happy when I make good choices, and He helps me to be clean and free.  

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He's the intense joy in the oneness of a baby, my heart on my chest, curled up under my chin, smelling of Heaven.  
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He was in the creation of that child. He'll be there to help me understand what that little person needs, if I'll let Him.  That child is His, too.

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He'll hurt more intensely than I do when that child hurts. He loves that child more perfectly than I.  He has a greater understanding of the purpose for the suffering.

My God is the cheerleader when things seem impossible--"You've got this!  I'm sending help. Just keep taking one more step! Here's a little boost!"

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He's there when I'm so happy I almost can't contain it--I can hear Him saying, "Yes, yes! It IS such a great day!"  

He’s a go-between when I’m at my wit’s end with another mere- mortal.  “Father, I’ve talked until I’m blue in the face! Will you please help ____ understand why I’m so dang hurt right now and help us to repair the relationship?”  He won’t take away agency, but when two or more are gathered in His name, there is love. Usually in that moment, He helps me understand my errors in the misunderstanding, and what I can do to fix the hurts I’ve caused.  Relationships that include God are much richer.

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When I feel pain for someone else, He can show me ways to help that I wouldn’t have considered on my own.  Our prayers can call down angels and comfort for others.

He's there in quiet moments when I'm wise enough to recognize the common miracle and thank Him for it.  "I did that just for you. I'm so glad you noticed." When I recognize enough small miracles, He sends the big ones.

Image result for flowerHe's the one who picks me up and tucks me under His chin, (Me! His heart outside his chest!) for a moment of comfort and encouragement.  I wonder how one so small and fumbling can be important to the One who created the Universe.
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When I'm shattered beyond repair I watch almost detached as He carefully pieces me back together; better than new.  I'm surprised to see who I'm becoming under His hands. I realize that being broken was necessary for the ultimate architecture.  

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I want to have Him near me, I want to do everything I can to be like Him, I want to be an instrument in His hands, I want to please Him.  I'm so thankful for His love. I praise Him, I seek Him! My fear is to disappoint or fail Him. I know I can never do anything to lose His love.  He is my Father! I know He lives and loves us! I know He wants us to be happy! I know we can trust Him! My entire life is built upon this knowledge.