Saturday, March 3, 2018


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A dear friend of mine passed away this weekend.  I've been blessed to know her for over 25 years, and most of that time she's battled cancer. 

As I prayed for her family today, and thanked God for her valiant life of service and love, I thought of other friends and family members who have similarly blessed my life.  I was flooded with joy and gratitude for all the astounding Daughters of God that I've been privileged to know. 
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Women in the trenches of motherhood, doing a million small things each day to bless those around them.  Women fighting evil, abuse and trauma.  
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Behind-the-scenes sisters making their homes places of sanctuary and peace.  
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Roaring-Mama-Bear ladies acting as advocates for those they love. Girls who do hard things. Patient, grateful elderly who encourage with wisdom. 
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Those of every age in every circumstance who kneel down humbly and then rise to serve.   Again and again and again.

Image result for woman nurture clipartWomen who nurture other's children, who serve in the community, who show up when there's a need. 
Covenant keeping, good-news-of-the-gospel testifying, charity-filled comforting women. So many faithful, good women!  

I feel so blessed! 

Sometimes the world seems to be chaotic, explosive, evil, falling apart.  But I know that there is an army of Christlike people fighting quietly behind the scenes. Preparing for His return.  

Others who believe quite differently, also making the world a better place.  Thank you, my dear friends for the lives you're living. You are my heroes.

*I started to add real photos and realized that there were too many.  For the same reason, I can't add names either!  What a great problem to have.